Today,I don't know what niche to post.So,i pick this one for evaluate my expression on this my new net illosory world.After severals week i had joining as a blogger,I feel very exciting.In this particular new event,me as part of it has to do more make excessive use for catch-up a single new things to learn.
Perhaps,my english was broken to write an articles.I hope that this can help me improve myself.It call's learning curve right?Back to the topic,since my first day i'm creating this new 2nd blog.I had learn a few new thing.HTML basis,how to put some ads,gadget even a simple modification on template.It's all about our enthusiastic in IT plus with trial and error method.Eventually i had a new things for those days.Also thanks for 'Mr.Dood',the senior in this era.His free option to help me even dosn't know who I am..My new friend in this my new world,I also hope that i can find more friend outhere so on.
Currently,this blog was still new.Trafic was so low,but dosn't care about that presently.But also hoping for coming day that my blog has a visitor on basis(hehe).Before this i'm creating mostly of my post during working hour,so for coming day i'm trying to compose it at home and only post it after come to my office.Hopefully i can do that to dodge my productivity can be spoil.It dosn't fare to my employer,right.So,everyday i was impress to surf the internet and display my own blog,feel that so very satisfied(dont be mad on me yaa.muahahha)It's my blog right?
For those dosn't has blog anymore,keep try to create it and you can feel the same."Believed or not?Believed it...."haha,Dean Cain trade mark on his show.As part of another things to do in our present life..Life go on,what do you say? The kingdom of blogger, very such a new great thing and also can release my tension......syukran.
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