The power of honey,who knows.For surely among of us has heard about honey.The medium for circulation life of bees.And absolutely the circulation of the big giant gigantic earth.Bees is another tiny insect that can change the world if it no longer existing in living form.Simplify, no bees that meaning no honey anymore.
Honey is kind of drink that also be found at after doomsday.Yeah,after doomsday...In paradise only..Not in the hell.So,is it the kind of drink from heaven?Not surely it is the same one with current exist, but in Holy-Quran has stated that.For refference(Surah Muhammad,Ayat 15) ALLAH S.W.T stated that in paradise has a few river that the medium emit a stream of purely purified honey.Anyone that be chosen placed in there can drink it as lot as they can.So wonderfull,are we the chosen one??.Think about it.(Muhasabah)
At present,in this modern world honey is another most expensive drink. An average price around RM60-RM300 per kilo in Malaysia,for surely it is the luxurios drink.But,anyone can get it.It is not for boast@pride but it is for healthy living lifestyle.The kind of drink that can afford to human being metabolisme system for goods.The power of rejunevated,energy booster,healing power and many else.With it taste so lovely sweetie delicious,are you ever take it before(honey)?.Discharging of one of the enjoyable world precious,maybe another wrong decision in our life(hehe,..)Satisfaction is another one of fact in our life.Take your circumstance,right?So, think about it.
Here is the link about scientific info from wikipedia,:-
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