I'm decide to leave a great company in making,where is I spending over 6 years after graduation.The first ever place to introduce me into jobworld.The company that i felt like my own,I gave all contribute as per i can, surely i love this company. The place where i learn more about dicipline, independable,self-motivated,inovation,patience,honest,truth and the greatest is I've got more in Islamic Principal. The truth way of life. Also at here I meet my wife.. :-)
I make a decision to move on,to take a new challenge in new carier.To redevelope my self into good attractive person.And for surely, a kind of different perspective from my current job. I'm turn around to catch-up my basis..Technical ground..Not because I cannot contribute in corporat level,but just feel that i want to start a new things.Take up the challege for part of life,its normal,right?..
So,I write down here to shown that this is a tought decision. But after all consideration I've made,it's a time.No deal anymore,just looking foward waiting for big renponsbility in a new career.Of course needed more self-motivated to face it.Risky, but remember in investment rule..The higher risk we could take,higher return is waiting for us but the journey is not become easy.
I dont know that I should write this article or not.Afraid that it can effected to another person.However here is my blog..Dont mad at me yaa..So,right here i want to apologise to everybody if my decision has turn down the morale to all of my jobmates. For my staff, keep your performance and please improve more althought without me soon.For my friend,keep up your hardworking. Thighten your focus and self-believe..
To management,focus your target and hopefully this company should gain a succes one day soon.Please forgive me, I'm not leaving because of financial situation or anticipation that our company facing on,but totally about changing my career.Just to complete my vision that i had plan early of this year before.So,once again please forgive me and hopefully will good fortune to all of you.
Eventually i want to finish here,despite my english is teribble,hope anyone who read this a

1 comment:
cam sedih jer luhan rasa ni...
harap kita sama sama dapat aper yg terbaik spt yg kita ingin kan...
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